Category: Digital
What is a Podcast?
There are many blogs that have been created in the past surrounding the idea of podcasting. The approach of this blog is to bring more awareness to what podcasting is and the way it can benefit marketing agencies. Though podcasting today has become a household name, the concept of audio-blogging started back in the 1980s. WHAT IS A PODCAST? A Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading on computers and smartphones. There are many different styles of podcasts that often focus on a discussion covering a range of topics. Popular formats are information-based podcasts with […]
Top Digital Trends For 2018
2017 was quite an eventful year for the digital industry. We’ve noticed over the last few months that user experience (UX), data and analytics have proven themselves as big players in the business landscape. As we get back to our offices after the winter holidays, we’re taking a look at upcoming digital transformations for 2018. “Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time.” –Bill Gates TREND #3 – INTERACTIVE VIDEOS As our mobile devices become more powerful and social apps seamlessly integrate with augmented reality (AR), virtual reality […]