Category: Life
5 Tip and Tricks to Succeed as a Marketing Intern in Toronto
You’ve officially made it past the exhausting interview process filled with endless questionnaires, personality tests, and tell-me-a-time moments. You have also secured your first internship at a marketing firm in Toronto. Internships are an excellent opportunity to prove yourself as a young emerging professional, but it also gives you the chance to see if this is your true passion. Internships are full of learning opportunities, valuable life lessons, and of course, a failure or two. But fear not – it’s all part of the process. As a recent graduate with multiple marketing internships served throughout agencies all across the GTA, […]
Brand & Mortar is Working Remotely
With growing global concerns around COVID-19, the health and safety of our employees and clients is top of mind. With an increase in workplace channels and direct messaging tools available to converse, brainstorm and collaborate from the comfort of our respective homes, Brand & Mortar productivity and performance will remain unchanged across all departments. We understand that a safe, healthy and comfortable workplace contributes to success. As a team, we have decided to work remotely, cancel all in-person meetings and travel plans. Rearrangements have been made and we are navigating our client responsibilities with the utmost care. We want to […]
The Psychology Behind Social Engagement and Brand Loyalty
Have you ever wondered how some brands succeed at creating content that builds a loyal following? Psychology can tell us a lot about why we do what we do. Take a look at these 5 psychology-based behaviours people perform online, and what tactics you can implement as a brand to get a more engaged audience.
Public Speaking: 6 Tips for a Successful Presentation
Public Speaking Doesn’t Have to be Scary Sweaty palms, heavy breathing, that uncontrollable handshake you just can’t seem to get under control: these are a few signs of either too much caffeine consumption or pre-presentation nerves. For some, public speaking is a chore, while for others, it’s a breeze. Rather than picturing the audience in their underwear (which 9/10 times DOES NOT work), hone your skills with these 6 tips and tricks to hit a presentation home run.
Work – That’s No Excuse!
We have all heard the excuse that there is no time to work out or be active because work is keeping you busy. Let me tell you, this isn’t a valid excuse. Yes, it is acceptable to enjoy your workout classes, and going to gym; however, there are several ways to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility while at work. Turn Your Commute Into a Workout Make the effort to turn your commute to work into a workout. If you are located close enough to your work try and incorporate some jogging or cycling to work. However, if your commute is […]
Avoiding Screen Fatigue with F.lux
It’s a tale as old as time, one where you’ve been plugging away at your computer for hours without looking away. All of a sudden you turn to look out the window, and it’s as though your whole life is flashing before your eyes. You’ve successfully entered the mid-afternoon computer screen fatigue panic! Your eyes may feel like the surface of the sun, but you must persevere. Luckily, screen fatigue doesn’t have to be the rest of your life; F.lux is here to change this daily struggle. F.lux is a completely (yes, completely) free application which you can access online that will alter […]
Why Are Snapchat Geofilters so Addictive?
Chances are if you’ve been on Snapchat in the past year, that you might have noticed the opportunity to scroll (left or right) on your ‘snap’ and add filters — images which lay atop of the image you’ve just taken, often designating where you are, events in your area, or general advertisements. What are geofilters? Snapchat geofilters were originally released in July 2014, and since then they have gained a significant amount of popularity. Snapchat actually crowdsources the submissions for prospective geofilters, allowing users the opportunity to ‘rep’ their neck of the woods. This approach emphasizes the ability to design, contribute, and witness […]
New Year, New You: 6 New Year Applications For 2016
The beginning of the year is often a mixed bag of emotions: first there is the inevitable holiday comedown, followed by the injection of promise and hope that comes from sketching out resolutions for the New Year. Often people lay out their goals with an eye towards remaining organized, bettering themselves, or maintaining that all-important balance between work, family, and self-improvement. What typically gets in the way? Our ability to follow through! Thankfully, we have the technology to organize and maintain our goals! The following is a list of six new year applications which can help you maintain these goals, […]
Personal Branding in the Workplace
As children, we think about what or who we want to become when we grow up. Maybe it’s a rock star or a fire fighter–or even a superhero! As teenagers, our imagination becomes a little more pragmatic and we begin to think more sensibly. ‘Maybe, I’ll become a doctor or a lawyer, even an investment banker’. But, as years pass and we enter adulthood, nearing the end of our academic career, the nightmare that is commonly referred to as ‘the real world’ begins to sink in, anxiety rises and we ask ourselves: ‘What the hell am I going to do […]
Using Your Social Media Profiles as a Resume Boost
Importance of Social Media for Your Resume I’m slowly learning being in the digital marketing industry, especially social media it is more important how your social profiles and website look rather than your traditional resume. Employers are more often than not using social media networks to find the right candidate, rather than going through resumes. Although it is important to maintain a proper resume, it is becoming even more important if not already as to how you conduct yourself on LinkedIn, Twitter and more recently Instagram. LinkedIn LinkedIn is your professional tool that shows employers and connections that you mean […]