Category: Strategy
How to Market Your Brand on Instagram
Most brands make the mistake of adding too many pictures focusing on their products or business, instead of concentrating on the lifestyle of the brand. Instagram is meant to draw consumers in with luxurious photos and a, mostly, unattainable, but drool-worthy life. These are a few tips on how to promote your business on Instagram—without driving your followers away by indulging in self-promotion. Like Photos Look for Instagram “famous” people who fit your brand. Now like their content! Yes—it’s that easy. By liking photos that speak to your brand, you are more likely to get a like back on one […]
The Cure to Writer’s Block
You’re feeling inspired, you’re ready to sit down and write that best seller, that blog post, or even just that email to tell your boss you didn’t finish that report that was due yesterday. You sit down with your cup of coffee, smooth jazz playing in the background and you’re ready to go when it hits you, that dreadful writer’s block. We all know that wall that gets in the way of you writing the best thing you’ve ever written in your life. So, here are some tips to defeat that writer’s block so you can go on and write […]
Kick-Starting Your Following on Instagram
Organic growth is great. It can take time but if feels good. You can see easily how your hard work is translating into results, even if it is just a new follower or two a day. The likes pile up, and each feels like an accomplishment. Wow! People really like my photo, but your voice only reaches so many people. But how would you kick start things? On Instagram, the importance of influencers can’t be undersold. You may have 1000 followers, but there are people out there who may have 14,000 or anywhere above or below. The point is you […]
Should Your Boss Be on Twitter?
There is no doubting it that the most influential and effective leaders throughout history have been great communicators. Often the way they speak with humbling yet powerful tones is what captivates the people they lead and inspires us to build for a better tomorrow. Communicating on Twitter In the digital world however, the traditional rules of communication don’t necessarily apply. Great leaders are forced to condense their thoughts into 140 characters or less and the luxury of Teleprompters and hours of practice are absent. The question that social media marketing departments often have to answer is “Will having our boss […]
How to Optimize Micro-Moments
Experiencing a Micro-Moment Google recently broadcasted a live stream via YouTube on a digital trend they are calling “Micro-Moments”. As mobile becomes even more of an indispensable part of our everyday lives, Google is noticing a way in which people are using search to making purchasing decisions, especially on their smartphones. There are thousands of moments in a day that typically start the minute you wake up and check your phone, that is when your micro-moment journey begins. Whether it’s checking the time, the weather, sending a text, scrolling through Instagram or quickly looking something up online each of these […]