Category: Time Management
10 Tips for Time Management Within the Workplace
On average, we spend 8 hours a day at work. We show up at 9am, and leave by 5, that’s 480 minutes, or 28,800 seconds! Yet we complain that there is never enough time in the day. We’re rushing to complete tasks at 4:30 because we desperately want to leave on time. Soon enough, we realize it’s 6 p.m, and we still have work to finish, that we later put off and say we’ll get to tomorrow. It’s a vicious cycle that occurs in every workplace, regardless of what industry you’re in. It’s up to you as an individual to […]
5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Digital Files Organized
We all know how it goes. You get busy and as your workload piles up, so do your client folders. You’d almost be forgiven for having a hard time locating a specific folder. Sometimes, however, we don’t have time to search through our desktop to find something specific for a client. Here are 5 ways to keep your digital files organized to save everyone’s time.
Avoiding Screen Fatigue with F.lux
It’s a tale as old as time, one where you’ve been plugging away at your computer for hours without looking away. All of a sudden you turn to look out the window, and it’s as though your whole life is flashing before your eyes. You’ve successfully entered the mid-afternoon computer screen fatigue panic! Your eyes may feel like the surface of the sun, but you must persevere. Luckily, screen fatigue doesn’t have to be the rest of your life; F.lux is here to change this daily struggle. F.lux is a completely (yes, completely) free application which you can access online that will alter […]
Writing, Uninterrupted: the Rise of Distraction-Free Writing
Here’s an idea; hop onto your preferred search engine right now, and run a search for “distraction free writing applications.” Almost immediately, you will be greeted by a vast selection of applications which can help “mute” your desktop. The idea of cancelling out all of the potential distractions on your screen is a growing trend in the world of online writing — based on the idea that writing in its purest form is based on a complete lack of distractions. What has taken so long for these applications to really take hold, though? The answer could be that distraction-free writing […]
New Year, New You: 6 New Year Applications For 2016
The beginning of the year is often a mixed bag of emotions: first there is the inevitable holiday comedown, followed by the injection of promise and hope that comes from sketching out resolutions for the New Year. Often people lay out their goals with an eye towards remaining organized, bettering themselves, or maintaining that all-important balance between work, family, and self-improvement. What typically gets in the way? Our ability to follow through! Thankfully, we have the technology to organize and maintain our goals! The following is a list of six new year applications which can help you maintain these goals, […]
How To Boost Your Creativity At Work
Connecting with your inner creative self at work can be challenging sometimes, so here are some tips on how to boost your creativity in the workplace! Stop Checking The Clock You’ll be surprised how much your sense of time affects what you think you can accomplish in a workday. Constantly checking the clock is a key contributor to stress in the workplace, and effectively works to destroy an employee’s ability to think creatively. Try taking off your watch and letting your internal clock take over for a while, you’ll notice a difference in your overall productivity, efficiency and relaxation level. […]
Time Management
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t struggle with staying on track at work. While juggling a busy schedule it’s difficult to complete daily tasks. Over the years of completing college and the time I’ve spent in the work place, time management was a crucial element for me to be able to complete each task at hand. I have gone through many different ways to get work done on time and still be able to achieve the top quality work I am looking for. Of course everybody has there own way of managing each day, and completing work on a busy […]