Category: Web Development
Lightweight Open-Source Code Editors
Working with big projects requires a lot of back end coding and editing. While trying to stay on a time schedule and meet deadlines, it is good to utilize the best resources you have. There are a lot of different code editors that help blend the visual aspect of a website and the backend together. Utilizing these applications help speed up the process of coding and get the job done. Here are some popular code editors that many web designers use today: Sublime Text Brackets Github Atom PHP Storm Notepad++ Netbeans Many of these have their own unique features […]
A Second Look: Trends in Web Design and Development
After spending many hours online, you naturally begin to pick up on web design’s current (and evolving) trends. By visiting a variety of different web sites and communities, you start to pick out specific differences in layouts and styles of each design you stumble upon; you begin to observe the subtle nuances designers have begun to adopt to put their work above and beyond what we call ‘average’. Incorporating the latest trends through a marriage of coding and design is ever advancing the web and how we view it day-to-day; it’s not stopping or slowing by any measure, and you should […]
Part 2: An Intro to Online Business Branding
Welcome to Part 2 of our Intro to Online Business Branding! If you’re looking for a few tips to get you ahead online, keep reading! Email Newsletters & Social Campaigns As you gain customers, be sure to understand that engagement and communication are extremely important. This can mean a larger focus on social media or other channels; if you’re looking to grow your brand online, social media is a must. This ties into brand recognition and your ability to understand and reach out to potential customers. In addition to tapping into social media for its communication prowess, its pretty important to […]
Part 1: An Intro to Online Business Branding
If you thought that branding your business in the real world was enough to get you a steady stream of customers, separate you from your competitors and build significant brand equity, you might want to do a double-take. The Internet has given us the ability to reach more and more interested customers than ever before. However, this is not without costs and sacrifices; it can be a difficult task handling two different branding channels (both online and offline) at the same time. Also, because there are more businesses online than off, you’ve got some steep competition if you want to step into […]
4 Things To Look For In A WordPress Template
WordPress, like it or not, has become an industry standard platform for everything digital content on the web. Not only are WordPress templates easily tweakable in their current form, but just about anyone without HTML or CSS knowledge can throw up a (rather crude in most case, if we might say) website. Although having someone experienced optimize your content and website for SEO and other tweaks is recommended, WordPress gives you the ability to, at the very least, setup a fully functional blog for yourself or your business.
3 Strategies to Implement Into Your Website and Social Networks
Reaching and receiving audiences has changed drastically over the past few years, with social activities now becoming integrated into just about every part of our digital lives. If you’re a marketer or business owner, you can take advantage of social media wildfire and leverage your target audiences into doing much of the heavy lifting for you. These social media implementations won’t only bring user convenience, but they’ll give your visitors and fans more opportunities to discuss and interact with your brand.