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How to Foster a Good Company Culture

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Cultural Fits > Experience

Someone once told me that a smart person can learn anything, so don’t focus too heavily on experience as the sole motivation for hiring a new employee. Hiring someone who corresponds with the culture of your company and would mesh well with the already present employees is (arguably) more important than hiring someone with a stacked resume. Why? One bad hire can disturb the flow and function of an entire department, or even worse, the entire company, whereas a good hire can add something positive and valuable to the company that may have been previously lacking.

Assign a ‘Director Of Culture’

Assigning the responsibility of Director of Culture to an employee may seem obvious, but ensuring that someone is directly responsible for organizing all company events and cultural happenings is key for boosting employee morale. Knowing that there is someone who is putting the employees first and organizing events for their enjoyment is a crucial factor for nurturing a positive company culture and happy workplace. It also works to show that the company is putting its employees first by showing that they care about employee satisfaction and team building.

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Collaboration is King

Cultivating an environment that encourages teamwork and collaboration is vital for creating a positive company culture. Opening the lines of communication between departments by promoting cross-departmental coordination not only fosters a workplace that welcomes learning and employee growth, but also helps employees understand each other better through various modes of collaboration. Teamwork within an organization ensures that all parties involved understand that they are working towards a common goal, and this goal unifies employees. Collaboration between employees builds the understanding that your employees are a cohesive team, rather than a bunch of individuals who happen to be employed by the same organization.


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