Category: Blogging
Writing, Uninterrupted: the Rise of Distraction-Free Writing
Here’s an idea; hop onto your preferred search engine right now, and run a search for “distraction free writing applications.” Almost immediately, you will be greeted by a vast selection of applications which can help “mute” your desktop. The idea of cancelling out all of the potential distractions on your screen is a growing trend in the world of online writing — based on the idea that writing in its purest form is based on a complete lack of distractions. What has taken so long for these applications to really take hold, though? The answer could be that distraction-free writing […]
The Cure to Writer’s Block
You’re feeling inspired, you’re ready to sit down and write that best seller, that blog post, or even just that email to tell your boss you didn’t finish that report that was due yesterday. You sit down with your cup of coffee, smooth jazz playing in the background and you’re ready to go when it hits you, that dreadful writer’s block. We all know that wall that gets in the way of you writing the best thing you’ve ever written in your life. So, here are some tips to defeat that writer’s block so you can go on and write […]
The Rise of the Emoji
Do You Emoji? Emojis- you either love them or you hate them. You either use the fiesta dancing girl every chance you get or you are still stuck in the early 2000’s and send :-(. Whether you are pro evil monkey face or against it there is no denying that emojis have become an integral part of the internet culture and an important way for people and brands to express themselves. The marketing industry is calling this “The Emojification of Brand Advertising” where pictures speak a thousand words and the best way to connect with the highly sought after millennial […]
The Work Uniform
Photo cred: Matilda Kahl How the Work Uniform Can Work for You Every company has their own dress code and some are easier to follow than others. Some offices are okay with a more casual look and others want you to dress more professionally. It really depends on the work culture and environment. Although, no matter the dress code, you can follow the rules while creating your own work ‘uniform.’ Similar to a typical high school uniform a work uniform can satisfy all of the requirements of the dress code, but is something simple that you never have to plan or […]
How To Boost Your Creativity At Work
Connecting with your inner creative self at work can be challenging sometimes, so here are some tips on how to boost your creativity in the workplace! Stop Checking The Clock You’ll be surprised how much your sense of time affects what you think you can accomplish in a workday. Constantly checking the clock is a key contributor to stress in the workplace, and effectively works to destroy an employee’s ability to think creatively. Try taking off your watch and letting your internal clock take over for a while, you’ll notice a difference in your overall productivity, efficiency and relaxation level. […]
How to Make the Best of Your Morning Commute
Photo cred: @cherngzhi A morning and evening commute is everyone’s least favourite part of the day, but it’s really what you make of it. You can complain about how noisy, uncomfortable, slow and smelly the bus, subway or streetcars are, but do you feel any happier about it? Here are a few tips that will make your morning commute more bearable: Photo cred: @huffpostbooks 1. Bring a book Reading a book on your morning commute seems like a relatively simple thing to do, but getting lost in a story really helps distract you from what’s going on around you. You also […]
5 Quick Ideas to Combat Blogging Block
You have a blog. You’ve made the decision to post new blog posts twice a week. Your deadline is looming ever closer and your mind starts to shut down into a blank nothingness… This has happened to me so many times. Creativity on demand can be very challenging and in moments where you find yourself stuck for ideas, you need fresh perspective to help combat the blogging block. A Brainstorm Session with Friends It’s a classic for a reason! Introducing new information, perspectives and collaborating with people is one of the easiest ways to get your creative juices flowing. Google, Google, […]