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Category: Learning

8 Ways to Effectively Promote Your Content on Social Media

Digital marketing is marketing. No brand can succeed without a strong online presence. Are you looking to improve your business’s content marketing strategy? Social media platforms are great for promoting your brand and sharing information about your company with online communities.


5 Influential Design Trends of 2016/2017

FLAT DESIGN Flat design is not necessarily a new trend as the style first originated from the retro logos of the 1940s to 1960s. Flat design has resurfaced recently and is definitely a hot trend that’s been dominating. The simplicity of flat design allows for even simple colours and shapes to become striking, bold and vibrant identities using very few streamlined elements. Big players such as Microsoft, Apple, and MasterCard have also transitioned from their 3D logos of the 2000s to a more simple flat designs that are fresh and minimal. A huge reason for the revival of flat design […]


Tell a Better Brand Story with Content Marketing & Social Media

Let’s not kid ourselves. Telling a compelling story about your business or brand on social media is exceptionally difficult. Social media posts—with their character restrictions and limited screen real estate—are not ideal for expressing brand promises, values, and philosophies with any real detail or emotional impact. This is why many marketers supplement their social media strategies with a content marketing strategy as a means of including long-form content. Thankfully, the major social media platforms recognize that this issue exists, and have taken strides to incorporate content formats that are optimal for telling better brand stories. This article will discuss three […]


Public Speaking: 6 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Public Speaking Doesn’t Have to be Scary Sweaty palms, heavy breathing, that uncontrollable handshake you just can’t seem to get under control: these are a few signs of either too much caffeine consumption or pre-presentation nerves. For some, public speaking is a chore, while for others, it’s a breeze. Rather than picturing the audience in their underwear (which 9/10 times DOES NOT work), hone your skills with these 6 tips and tricks to hit a presentation home run.


How Brainstorming Improves Creative Problem Solving

Brainstorming sessions are frequent happenings at marketing and advertising agencies. Poor brainstorming can lead to weak ideas and wasted time. Practicing proper brainstorming techniques is crucial for marketing agencies to produce top-of-the-line content and ideas for clients, and that is exactly what we do at Brand & Mortar. In general, brainstorming is a creative problem-solving technique that requires the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the participating group. There are three key factors that help the brainstorming session head in the right direction, which include: A clearly defined question The right resource group Divergent and convergent thinking


4 Essential Tools for Every Creative

If you work in the creative industry, chances are you know that Adobe Creative Suite is the industry standard when it comes to design. However, whether you are a graphic designer or a marketer, every creative needs an arsenal of tools to streamline your workflow. These four essential tools are simple, yet effective and have proven to be useful in graphic design – but there are many uses beyond just that. From my own experience – these tools have saved me time, money and have increased my productivity. BUT! The best part about these tools? The convenience factor.  It doesn’t matter […]


The Art of Presenting

Whether we like it or not, at some point in our lives we will have to conduct a presentation. You most likely had to do presentations throughout school, and they teach you the basic skills on creating and delivering a presentation. However, there are many steps one must take in order to master the art of presenting. Whether it is pitching an idea to your boss, delivering data, or a persuasion presentation to a client, having the necessary skill of comfortably presenting in front of an audience is exceptionally important. Generating, as well as delivering a presentation is an art […]


Your Guide to Creating Your Own Content Calendar

As social media continues to rise in popularity, the need to organize your posts becomes more necessary. A content calendar is an easy way to organize what you would like to post on each day. It organizes your weekly thoughts, posts, and graphics, and saves you time each week. If you designate time to put together your weekly or monthly content calendar, you no longer have to worry about scrambling for content to post. This is essential for businesses; however, you can do it throughout your every day life if you wish to be consistent with your social media content. […]


Avoiding Screen Fatigue with F.lux

It’s a tale as old as time, one where you’ve been plugging away at your computer for hours without looking away. All of a sudden you turn to look out the window, and it’s as though your whole life is flashing before your eyes. You’ve successfully entered the mid-afternoon computer screen fatigue panic! Your eyes may feel like the surface of the sun, but you must persevere. Luckily, screen fatigue doesn’t have to be the rest of your life; F.lux is here to change this daily struggle. F.lux is a completely (yes, completely) free application which you can access online that will alter […]


Why Are Snapchat Geofilters so Addictive?

Chances are if you’ve been on Snapchat in the past year, that you might have noticed the opportunity to scroll (left or right) on your ‘snap’ and add filters — images which lay atop of the image you’ve just taken, often designating where you are, events in your area, or general advertisements. What are geofilters? Snapchat geofilters were originally released in July 2014, and since then they have gained a significant amount of popularity. Snapchat actually crowdsources the submissions for prospective geofilters, allowing users the opportunity to ‘rep’ their neck of the woods. This approach emphasizes the ability to design, contribute, and witness […]


We know that transparency is non-negotiable and that strong communication is the foundation of any great relationship. With the knowledge and expertise at Brand & Mortar we are confident that we can make an impact on your business and its bottom line.


31 Powerhouse St. Suite 203
Toronto, ON. M6H 0C7
416 729 1154





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With growing global concerns around COVID-19, the health and safety of our employees and clients is top of mind. Brand & Mortar services will remain open while our team works remotely until further notice. We want to assure our trusted clients that business will remain unchanged while we do our part to #FlattenTheCurve.

For more information, please read our formal statement here.