Category: Learning
Writing, Uninterrupted: the Rise of Distraction-Free Writing
Here’s an idea; hop onto your preferred search engine right now, and run a search for “distraction free writing applications.” Almost immediately, you will be greeted by a vast selection of applications which can help “mute” your desktop. The idea of cancelling out all of the potential distractions on your screen is a growing trend in the world of online writing — based on the idea that writing in its purest form is based on a complete lack of distractions. What has taken so long for these applications to really take hold, though? The answer could be that distraction-free writing […]
New Year, New You: 6 New Year Applications For 2016
The beginning of the year is often a mixed bag of emotions: first there is the inevitable holiday comedown, followed by the injection of promise and hope that comes from sketching out resolutions for the New Year. Often people lay out their goals with an eye towards remaining organized, bettering themselves, or maintaining that all-important balance between work, family, and self-improvement. What typically gets in the way? Our ability to follow through! Thankfully, we have the technology to organize and maintain our goals! The following is a list of six new year applications which can help you maintain these goals, […]
Influencer Marketing and Your Brand On Vine
The concept of influencer marketing isn’t necessarily new; brands have been using celebrity endorsements for years to convince people to buy their products (think Stephen Curry on a box of Wheaties, or Matthew McConaughey driving a Lincoln). The recent twist in this landscape is the rise of various social media channels, and the influence they have on a company’s brand strategy. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and recently Vine are being used to target consumers and promote products and services through more nuanced influencers. A site like Vine is the perfect example for a more complex influencer landscape. The nature of the […]
Social Recruitment- How You Can Use It to Your Advantage
The Social Job Search The market is saturated and the competition is tough. If you are a job-seeker in this day and age, social media has most likely become a central part of your search. Whether it’s tapping into LinkedIn, following job prospect accounts on Twitter or watching for great company shout outs on your Instagram feed, the best way to stay connected with who is hiring is through social. According to a recent Glassdoor survey, 79% of candidates are likely to use social media to find jobs. Among younger workers the number is even higher: 86% of people in […]
Tear Down that Wall: the Open-Concept Office
Midnight, August 13, 1961. East Berlin, Germany. Bathed in improvised floodlights, East German workers scurry to erect a shoddy barrier encircling West Berlin. As West Berliners rose on that fated Sunday morning, so stood one of history’s most infamous barricades, a marker of the iciest era in cold-war relations: The Berlin Wall. 10:24 A.M., June 9, 2015. Toronto, Canada. Bathed in flickering fluorescents, office workers languish at their cubicle-surrounded desks as their eyes glaze over. Desperate for open avenues of communication, these workers can only dream of shouting: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” They sit in a marker of […]
Using Your Social Media Profiles as a Resume Boost
Importance of Social Media for Your Resume I’m slowly learning being in the digital marketing industry, especially social media it is more important how your social profiles and website look rather than your traditional resume. Employers are more often than not using social media networks to find the right candidate, rather than going through resumes. Although it is important to maintain a proper resume, it is becoming even more important if not already as to how you conduct yourself on LinkedIn, Twitter and more recently Instagram. LinkedIn LinkedIn is your professional tool that shows employers and connections that you mean […]
6 Reasons Community Managers Need to Learn How to Code
Day in the life of a Community Manger I am a Community Manager. My job requires me to manage the social profiles of our clients, to create compelling and shareable content with a CTA (Call to Action), that will increase engagement, followers, likes and shares. On the opposite side of the office is the Web Team, what they do I have no idea. No matter where you work, you may have noticed a clear divide between technical and non-technical employees- those who can build things with code and those who cannot. It seems to me that those who are considered […]
How To Boost Your Creativity At Work
Connecting with your inner creative self at work can be challenging sometimes, so here are some tips on how to boost your creativity in the workplace! Stop Checking The Clock You’ll be surprised how much your sense of time affects what you think you can accomplish in a workday. Constantly checking the clock is a key contributor to stress in the workplace, and effectively works to destroy an employee’s ability to think creatively. Try taking off your watch and letting your internal clock take over for a while, you’ll notice a difference in your overall productivity, efficiency and relaxation level. […]
5 Things You Should Never Say During A Job Interview
The interview process can be a very stressful experience. Interviews force you to come face to face with employers who are searching for the perfect candidate to fill an open job position. This demand for perfection can place a lot of pressure on the interviewee because they cannot afford to make a single error. What is even more terrifying is that those conducting interviews actively seek out negative qualities in the job seekers whom they meet. This means that one sentence or a nervous habit can turn a great interview into a lost employment opportunity. The following is a list […]
4 Ways To Be More Productive at Work
Prioritize Prioritizing tasks takes a lot of effort, but can ultimately help you be far more productive during your workday. Start with your most daunting tasks first. Completing your largest, most difficult projects at the beginning of the workday, when your mind is the freshest, will ensure that they are not avoided. Give yourself realistic time limits for each of your projects and execute accordingly. Not only will this help you have a more efficient workday, but it will also decrease stress. Prioritizing is key. Create To Do Lists First thing in the morning, make a to do list of […]