Category: Marketing
The Rise of the Emoji
Do You Emoji? Emojis- you either love them or you hate them. You either use the fiesta dancing girl every chance you get or you are still stuck in the early 2000’s and send :-(. Whether you are pro evil monkey face or against it there is no denying that emojis have become an integral part of the internet culture and an important way for people and brands to express themselves. The marketing industry is calling this “The Emojification of Brand Advertising” where pictures speak a thousand words and the best way to connect with the highly sought after millennial […]
How to Optimize Micro-Moments
Experiencing a Micro-Moment Google recently broadcasted a live stream via YouTube on a digital trend they are calling “Micro-Moments”. As mobile becomes even more of an indispensable part of our everyday lives, Google is noticing a way in which people are using search to making purchasing decisions, especially on their smartphones. There are thousands of moments in a day that typically start the minute you wake up and check your phone, that is when your micro-moment journey begins. Whether it’s checking the time, the weather, sending a text, scrolling through Instagram or quickly looking something up online each of these […]
Why Companies Are Still Ignoring Your Emails
Photo cred: @Ash_o_lee Emails for Emails It can be extremely frustrating to email out canned response emails every day, or even just a simple email that requires an immediate response (one that you’ve been waiting for, for weeks now). So why are they ignoring you? When someone ignores your email at work it can be easy to take this personally, but you have to realize that many people receive hundreds of emails a day. Your email might have been labeled as “unimportant” or disappeared into the black hole of the ‘Inbox’ folder. So how can you make sure that someone […]
Which Analytics to Track on Facebook
It’s important for every Facebook Page manager to have a good understanding of the performance of their Page. Especially today, where Facebook is more and more evolving in an advertising platform, and consequently an advertising budget comes in place, it is necessary to understand what works and where to allocate more efforts and resources. I will try to explain which metrics you should track and which analyses you should perform to fully understand the performance of your Facebook Page. Analytics worth tracking: You can export Page data or Post data from Facebook. Export Page data to have a better understanding of your audience, […]
Getting On Board with Social Media
The use of social media to promote a business is an idea that has become extremely popular in recent years. Businesses both big and small have been creating accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in the hopes that they can create a strong digital presence, one which will help to separate them from their competition. However, there are still many business owners that are hesitant to jump on board with the idea that social media platforms can be a useful marketing tool. I believe social media should have a place in every business’s marketing strategy. Therefore, I have listed a few basic points that […]
What we’ve learned from the Super Bowl
Today, America’s biggest sports event is much more than the battle between the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks. With millions of people watching the game on television, the Super Bowl is thè opportunity for advertisers to create buzz and gain valuable brand recognition. In order to increase their reach, engage their audience and spark conversation, brands are taking the advertising battle to social media. With more than 28 million tweets and 65 million people on Facebook talking about the Super Bowl, Halftime Show and the commercials, the Super Bowl trended more on social media now than ever before. So […]
5 Benefits To Using Social Media For Your Business
Since its inception, social media has evolved massively. It is no longer restricted to social interactions between friends. Now, businesses – small and large – can benefit greatly from its ability to reach consumers and increase brand loyalty (and countless other perks). Social media is now positioned as a must-do in the marketing and branding sector, and if you’re still on the fence, here are five reasons why: Increasing Brand Recognition Social media is an insanely valuable tool for organizing your content and increasing online visibility of your brand. Think of your social media channels as an extension of your […]
Your Cheat-Sheet to Paid Social Media
It might be frustrating, but paid social media promotion is the future. Although social platforms like ello are attempting to break the mold an not sell your information or make it available to advertisers and marketers, platforms like Twitter and Facebook have already caved, providing insights on each and every one of us. Scary, perhaps, however in this day and age we are well aware of the choice we’ve made and the repercussions that go along with our subscriptions to these networks. In quite a few cases, we’ve found something extremely helpful online through these targeted ads despite our dislike […]
Getting the Most Out of Your Twitter Images
Images capture the imagination. The world’s greatest, most influential writers have captivated children and adults throughout the centuries with spellbinding stories and prose, however many of the world’s most stunning photographs easily speak the equivalent of thousands of words, each telling their own stories. On social media, our own personal stories and opinions are shared each and every day through useful articles, information dumps and status updates; would they, too, benefit from great imagery? Not just the same old copy only content and links? Would there be a stronger human connection and reason to get engaged? Of course. This is one of the largest […]
How to Craft Your Own Personal Brand
Brand & Mortar specializes in business of branding companies and organizations for the digital age, but what if you’re a one-(wo)man show? What if you’re not trying to sell products and services, but yourself to an employer or potential client? What if you just want to establish a greater online presence in your network, perhaps become a face that stands out from an ever endless crowd? This is what we refer to as personal branding: marketing yourself as a brand, highlighting your strengths, experiences, and place in the world. Improving your own branding is very similar to that of building […]