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Why Companies Are Still Ignoring Your Emails

Photo cred: @Ash_o_lee

Emails for Emails

It can be extremely frustrating to email out canned response emails every day, or even just a simple email that requires an immediate response (one that you’ve been waiting for, for weeks now). So why are they ignoring you?

When someone ignores your email at work it can be easy to take this personally, but you have to realize that many people receive hundreds of emails a day. Your email might have been labeled as “unimportant” or disappeared into the black hole of the ‘Inbox’ folder. So how can you make sure that someone looks at and responds to your email in a timely manner?

Tricks to Get Your Email Noticed

There are different tricks that you can use to make sure that your email stands out from the rest. Although a quick response is never guaranteed, at least you can improve your chances.

Five tips to perfect your emails are:


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1. Make sure the subject of your email is in CAPS

If the subject of your email is written in capital letters, it will stand out in an overwhelming mail inbox.

E,g, Details about the marketing campaign VS. DETAILS ABOUT THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN


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2. If your email is extremely important or requires an immediate response, make this clear

If you have an email that you need answered ASAP: let the CEO, employee, client or secretary know. Label your emails accordingly.



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3. Make sure you personalize the email

If you are sending out canned responses or multiple emails throughout the day, your emails might lack personality and personalization. This is key in order to entertain the reader of the email and show that you’ve been paying attention. People like it when you get their name right. They also like to see that you’ve been paying attention to their company.

Try adding something you read about the company recently in your email if you are trying to pitch a company, or comment on a recent conversation you had with the person you are emailing.

E.g. “Hey Jane, I remember when we last spoke you said that you were having a big dinner at your house for the holidays — hope that went well! I was thinking about you and your company and how you’d be perfect…”


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4. Keep the email short and sweet

When you are trying to get a hold of a busy person you have to be aware that a long email is extremely overwhelming for them to look at. Keep your emails as brief and as clear as you can make them so that you get your point or question across effectively. People are more likely to respond to your email faster if you cut straight to the point.

E.g. “Hey Sue, I was wondering if you could take a look at the Facebook account for B-Incorporated today. Please make sure that everything is seamless and in-line with what you were looking for. Thanks, A.”


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5. Create a quirky email signature

Sometimes it’s the little things that really grab people’s attention when it comes to emails. Try spicing up your email with a daily quote at the bottom or a mantra of yours. It can really personalize your email and give the person you are emailing a hint of who you are as a person. In the end, an email is reaching another human being – not a robot. You can also add a picture or cartoon of yourself too.

E.g. Jane Retter

“Art is anything you can get away with.” -Andy Warhol

So if your emails are getting ignored, don’t take it personally! People are people and we all lead busy lives. These are five tips that you can use on a day-to-day basis in order to perfect your email skills and get the timely responses that you were looking for. Change up your email style to see what works for you and always remember that you are emailing a human being, like yourself. What would make you open and reply to an email on a busy workday? Ask yourself this before you click ‘send’ and good luck!


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