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5 Tip and Tricks to Succeed as a Marketing Intern in Toronto

You’ve officially made it past the exhausting interview process filled with endless questionnaires, personality tests, and tell-me-a-time moments. You have also secured your first internship at a marketing firm in Toronto. Internships are an excellent opportunity to prove yourself as a young emerging professional, but it also gives you the chance to see if this is your true passion. Internships are full of learning opportunities, valuable life lessons, and of course, a failure or two. But fear not – it’s all part of the process. As a recent graduate with multiple marketing internships served throughout agencies all across the GTA, […]


Website Design & Brand Marketing: Lessons from the ER

The COVID-19 crisis has left businesses scrambling to keep their employees and customers safe while staying economically afloat. If you are one of many business owners now relying on a website to achieve your goals, you may be motivated to deliver a streamlined, easy-to-use, professional online experience. In this time of global uncertainty, a website must be intuitive, efficient, and functional to maintain an online presence and support customer needs from afar. So, where do hospitals enter into this discussion? Emergency rooms are always in a state of chaos, with a never-ending lineup of accidents, illnesses, and top-level emergencies, much […]


The Importance of Typography on a Website

Let’s start by stating the obvious, that not all fonts are meant to co-exist in both the print and digital world. Many fonts that are designed for the web have been optimized and adjusted to enhance the readability on a screen. Some of the key adjustments made to the font to increase readability include taller x-height, modified curves, more spacing between letters, and thin thick strokes. The typography on a website is an essential part of the design process and overall aesthetic immersed throughout each page that can help to establish a memorable brand identity over time. When a user […]


The Importance of Creating Warm Audiences

How effective are door to door salespeople, telemarketers, or those representatives blocking off sidewalks seeking donations? Most would rank these sales strategies somewhere between inefficient and annoying. This negative perception is due to a business relying heavily on generating sales from “cold” consumers.  Cold consumers are those who know little to nothing about the brand as they haven’t had the time to develop an affinity for the products or services offered. When presenting a sales pitch, it is difficult for cold consumers to buy in and complete the purchase fully. The opposite of a cold consumer could be considered a […]


Value added content marketing

Change is constant in the world of content marketing. The last decade has indeed witnessed a lot of change due to the ever-growing landscape of social media. With the demand for engaging and authentic content at an all-time high, the importance of quality assets is prevalent and certainly where social media is heading.   Short-Form Videos Using short-form videos is a vital strategy to leverage new capabilities and reach specific demographics. With the rise of Instagram Stories in 2016 and, more recently, TikTok, the power of short-form videos, particularly resonates with millennials and Generation Z audiences. Lighthearted, interactive media is […]


5 Tips to Better Manage Clients and Projects

5 Tips to Better Manage Clients and Projects Being a successful social media manager at a Digital Marketing agency requires a vast set of skills; some of these skills you can acquire in college and university but others? Not so much. Navigating the social media realm on behalf of a client certainly requires essential knowledge of various software, platforms and tools available. Similarly, achieving a consistent and memorable brand identity through social media messaging is only made possible with a strong relationship that includes authenticity, transparency and trust. Here are five simple communication tips that can help you to navigate […]


Brand & Mortar is Working Remotely

With growing global concerns around COVID-19, the health and safety of our employees and clients is top of mind. With an increase in workplace channels and direct messaging tools available to converse, brainstorm and collaborate from the comfort of our respective homes, Brand & Mortar productivity and performance will remain unchanged across all departments. We understand that a safe, healthy and comfortable workplace contributes to success. As a team, we have decided to work remotely, cancel all in-person meetings and travel plans. Rearrangements have been made and we are navigating our client responsibilities with the utmost care. We want to […]


Why Your Toronto Business Needs A New Website Design

Your website design Toronto, is your 24/7 store front Most people use the Internet to find prices, directions, reviews and more before heading out the door and while on the go. Website’s have become the 24/7 store front for businesses and they need to provide customers with the right information quickly to help them make informed decisions. Increasingly people are browsing websites from their mobile phone and that means your website design has to be mobile friendly. If you’re website is a few years old, it might look okay on smart phones, but that doesn’t means it’s been designed mobile […]


Website Design Toronto Trends for 2020

More UI candy with less load time New libraries like Vue, Ember, and React are blurring the line between website and native application. People’s expectations for readily available, instantly responsive online experiences have been, in part, driven by faster internet speeds and more powerful smartphones. The result, websites now offload a lot of the heavy lifting to the device. Since our devices are doing most of the work, we no longer have to wait for the webserver to process information and return a result. Instead, our devices are processing the data and sending the result to the server. This role […]


How to Craft a Winning Customer Experience

A business is only good as its customer base. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter the quality of what you sell because if customers have a bad experience, they’ll simply take their hard-earned money elsewhere. Good products and services die every day because a competitor provided a better digital or in-person experience. What exactly is customer experience and how does a company build a winning digital strategy that is relevant and realistic to implement? Let’s break this down in ways that will help you formulate your own. Additionally, if the goal is to partner with vendors like a website design agency […]


We know that transparency is non-negotiable and that strong communication is the foundation of any great relationship. With the knowledge and expertise at Brand & Mortar we are confident that we can make an impact on your business and its bottom line.


31 Powerhouse St. Suite 203
Toronto, ON. M6H 0C7
416 729 1154





Digital Agency Network

With growing global concerns around COVID-19, the health and safety of our employees and clients is top of mind. Brand & Mortar services will remain open while our team works remotely until further notice. We want to assure our trusted clients that business will remain unchanged while we do our part to #FlattenTheCurve.

For more information, please read our formal statement here.