The World of Twitter Chats
If you work in the social media world you may have heard of a new way to engage called Twitter Chats. Twitter Chats occur basically when a group of Twitter users get together at the same time and discuss a certain topic with the use of a specific hashtag. Usually a social influencer, big brand or an industry leader will host a Twitter Chat in order to create a conversation around a topic that pertains to them. The hashtags usually look something like this #BlogChat, #SEOChat, #MillennialChat and last from 30 minutes to 1 hour long.
Twitter users participate in these chats by using the assigned hashtag and directing their questions and comments using Q1 or A1 depending on the format of the chat.
Twitter Chat Yourself More Followers
Whether a brand is hosting a Twitter Chat or participating in one, the benefits multiply the more you join in on the conversation. Not only does it help increase the amount of followers (isn’t that the main goal anyways) but it helps position your company as an engaged, thought provoking member of the online community.
As a host or a participant of a Twitter Chat you have the opportunity to reach a targeted group of people that resonate with a specific topic. By participating in the chat it will help your brand to engage more effectively and build more meaningful relationships with potential followers.
Learning From Twitter Chat Champions
A small to mid-sized company being involved with Twitter Chats also allows them to learn from others. Why not tweet with the big players in the industry, people you may not get to talk to every day on a topic that resonates with both parties. Becoming involved provides the potential to gain insights on the industry, learn how well established brands interact with their communities, and make powerful new connections.
Ultimately once your company develops a large following you can begin to make a real impact by hosting your own Twitter Chat which in turn will bring amazing exposure for your brand.
Here are the 5 main ways companies can benefit from using Twitter Chats:
> Build Meaningful Connections with Followers
> Become a Leader in Your Space
> Learn Changes and Preferences in your Industry from Customers
> Promote Your Business
> Grow Your Twitter Following!
Check out sites like TweetDeck and TweetChat to help keep your Twitter Chats organized and search for key hashtags. Happy Tweet Chatting!