Photo cred: Matilda Kahl
How the Work Uniform Can Work for You
Every company has their own dress code and some are easier to follow than others. Some offices are okay with a more casual look and others want you to dress more professionally. It really depends on the work culture and environment. Although, no matter the dress code, you can follow the rules while creating your own work ‘uniform.’
Similar to a typical high school uniform a work uniform can satisfy all of the requirements of the dress code, but is something simple that you never have to plan or search for when you wake-up in the morning.
Buy a few pairs of the same pants and a few white blouses and your work uniform is set for the week!
Matilda Kahl’s Work Uniform
Art Director, Matilda Kahl, made the news with her work uniform and genious idea. Instead of focusing on organizing her clothes for the morning, her simple outfit is ready for her everyday. Focus and energy should be spent on your work, not figuring out to wear every morning.
Kahl says:
The main motivation was that I understood how much time and energy I’d save if I could just take out the clothing aspect of my working days. We have so many great creative challenges at Saatchi that I’d rather spend my time on that, not picking out a new outfit every morning.
So taking advice from Matilda Kahl, we can all learn a thing or two about “office attire.” A work uniform is a great way to save time, money and energy before you even wake-up in the morning. You can enjoy a few more sips of your coffee and sleep in a few minutes later — instead of worrying about the little things.