As a millennial it may seem crazy that someone may not be able to use social media; however, it is quite common. Anyone who grew up in the 20th century may struggle with grasping the concept of social media – I know it took my mom quite a few years to understand social media to some extent. Yet, social media is becoming a way of constant communication and people who struggle with it are always looking for ways to improve their social media knowledge. There is a lot to learn, and even those who are the masters of social media still may be lacking some skills in the social media department.
This breakdown of the four main social media platforms will help the average person generate a better social media understanding. Print this blog post out to have with you as you are learning the techniques of using different social media platforms.
Facebook launched the social media era in 2004. Facebook is very versatile. People use it to upload pictures, post statuses and updates that occur throughout their life, and mainly it is used to keep in touch with people all around the world. You can customize your profile by uploading a profile and cover photo that represents you. Facebook is also starting to be used for business purposes. Business Facebook pages can help advertise to customers and also be another source to contact the business.
Twitter came after Facebook and has become one of the most commonly used social media platforms. Twitter is unique because you are restricted to 140 character posts – which are also known as tweets. Twitter is often used by businesses to quickly advertise new products, promotions, services, etc. It allows you to get to the point quickly. Also through the use of hashtags (also known as the pound sign followed by a word/phrase i.e. #Hashtag), you allow other people to find your post through searching that specific hashtag. This is how businesses collect followers.
Instagram is a photo-sharing platform that allows individuals to instantly post pictures taken through the app (or that are saved in their camera roll on their phone). Through using filters to edit the picture, it is added to your feed. Businesses also use Instagram to advertise their office culture and product/services to their followers.
Snapchat is also a photo-sharing platform; however, pictures taken and sent to friends through Snapchat delete after a maximum of 10 minutes. On the Internet, anything posted is said to be on the Internet forever. Snapchat is a way to take pictures and send them to friends without worrying about them turning up again. Now, filters have been added for entertainment, and you can even add text. Companies also use Snapchat to allow their clients and followers to view their company culture as well as create engagement with their followers.
The main purpose of all the platforms is to connect your network. Add friends/followers, follow their lives and they will follow yours. Now all you have to do is go set up your accounts. Make sure to keep this breakdown of the four major social media platforms near you to know how to use them as well as understand their purpose! As technology advances, more and more updates are released for each social media platform, so they only continue to evolve and thrive.