Category: Learning
The Importance of Corporate Culture
Culture is Important Corporate culture is becoming increasingly important in the war for talent and retention at companies of all types around the world. Corporate culture is the personality of a company and it can’t be faked. Brand & Mortar has a great corporate culture which is one of the reasons I enjoy working here and the main reason I even applied. When the call went out for a new social media community manager besides all the regular daily duties and qualifications, something stood out over any other job I was applying for, and that was a brief insight into […]
5 Reasons Why Your Resume Is Getting Ignored
So you’ve applied for tons of marketing and advertising jobs and you aren’t getting any callbacks. Instead of being discouraged, try revamping your resume by avoiding these five common mistakes.
Tech Skills: Learn To Build Your Own Websites
Tech skills are fast becoming one of the greatest additions to your work tool box; high demand, multipurpose, practical hard skills that can be used in a multitude of settings. With almost everyone needing a website for their business, personal blog or community group – being able to navigate code and website technology is becoming vital in today’s online age of virtual communication. It’s a new year and if you want to pick up some new tech skills for complete newbies the best place to start is with HTML and CSS. HTML and CSS are the foundation of website design. […]
10 Tips to Ace Your Next Job Interview
Let’s face it, interviews are weird. They’re uncomfortable, awkward, inorganic meetings with a lot of pressure attached to them. If you’re a recent graduate, like myself, then you know these feelings all too well. Interviews suck, but they’re an inevitable and necessary part of adult life and – believe it or not – they can work to build your confidence, too. From my experience as a millennial in the job market, I’ve come up with 10 tips that cover everything you need to know to ace your next job interview. Do your research Before your interview always research the company […]
5 Quick Ideas to Combat Blogging Block
You have a blog. You’ve made the decision to post new blog posts twice a week. Your deadline is looming ever closer and your mind starts to shut down into a blank nothingness… This has happened to me so many times. Creativity on demand can be very challenging and in moments where you find yourself stuck for ideas, you need fresh perspective to help combat the blogging block. A Brainstorm Session with Friends It’s a classic for a reason! Introducing new information, perspectives and collaborating with people is one of the easiest ways to get your creative juices flowing. Google, Google, […]
Lightweight Open-Source Code Editors
Working with big projects requires a lot of back end coding and editing. While trying to stay on a time schedule and meet deadlines, it is good to utilize the best resources you have. There are a lot of different code editors that help blend the visual aspect of a website and the backend together. Utilizing these applications help speed up the process of coding and get the job done. Here are some popular code editors that many web designers use today: Sublime Text Brackets Github Atom PHP Storm Notepad++ Netbeans Many of these have their own unique features […]
Mind Blown Moments: 4 powerful lessons that have made me a better (business) person
We’ve all had that mind blown moment. A moment that resonates so completely within us; we internalize the experience and it changes the way we think. Those moments shape our future actions and motivations. The lessons we learn in life are just as valuable in becoming a better business person as the qualifications we hold. Here are 4 powerful moments that have changed my thinking and how these lessons have helped me become a better business person. Travel will make you a stronger decision maker in uncertainty Travel is one of the greatest influencers in changing people’s thinking and behaviour; it […]
I have recently finished a book called A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. This is basically a spiritual guide to discover the freedom and happiness of a life lived in the “now”. This is the first book I have read in a while. I usually start reading a book and stop half way through because I have forgotten what happened. That didn’t happen with this book. I could hardly put it down. I usually read on the train, coming home from work. Everyday I couldn’t wait to read more. I have learned quite a bit from this book. Some things […]