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The Importance of Corporate Culture

Culture is Important

Corporate culture is becoming increasingly important in the war for talent and retention at companies of all types around the world. Corporate culture is the personality of a company and it can’t be faked. Brand & Mortar has a great corporate culture which is one of the reasons I enjoy working here and the main reason I even applied. When the call went out for a new social media community manager besides all the regular daily duties and qualifications, something stood out over any other job I was applying for, and that was a brief insight into what life at B&M was really like.

Life at Brand & Mortar

“At Brand & Mortar we strive to create an environment that breeds great ideas and collaboration, we want to hear yours and have you run with them. Our office space is fun, energetic and you’ll never hate “going to work” again. Work for a company that loves to get out and plan trips like camping, paint balling, and more. Flexibility to work from home some days.”

Now with a description like that how could I not apply!? The startup atmosphere is becoming the way of the future and how Millennials want to work. The freedom to come and go as we please, be a part of work that matters, have our ideas and voices heard, and of course casual Friday every day.

Culture Equals Motivation

The benefits of having a strong culture in your company means that your employees will actually want to work for you and not for anyone else, making them a positive investment for your business. The corporate ladder of some larger institutions such as banks and investment firms may still hold their ground on Bay Street, but as the world progresses into turning totally digital, it’s the creative marketing agencies with their “Beer Fridays” and their working in bean bag chairs that you’re going to be looking at to work with.

What’s Your Fit?

As important as it is to create a strong company culture that will attract new talent, it’s also important for you to find your fit within the culture. Ultimately it’s up to the employer to make sure that they hire people that fit their company. Unfortunately, it is difficult for employers to consider an applicant’s fit when hiring, because most job interviews fail to cover the proper “cultural” questions.

Just as important as experience, education or qualifications are, you need to be consistent with the company’s culture if you hope to land your dream job. By taking the time to predict your fit, you heighten the chances of landing a job you love, luckily I think I’ve found my great fit already!


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