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The Road to Enlightenment

I like to stay inspired, learning what I can about the world. It’s been an experience continuing to open my eyes more and more, uncovering more about the purpose of life. Of my influences, Russell Brand is one person among many who serves as a valued voice speaking of the injustices that have been plaguing the world from wealth inequality to political corruption.

Many who are deeply intertwined and interested solely in pop culture know very little about the problems the facing our world today. People are focusing on their social media status or famous people who sing songs about money and getting girls, when these things are all totally insignificant to life. People with higher social status like Russell Brand, Matt Damon and Rob Schneider have been doing a great job expressing their opinions about what is actually going on in the world and why our current way of life isn’t sustainable. To me, it’s pretty cool to see celebrities use the platforms they have to express their point of view and try and awaken the minds of humanity.

Currently, with our culture in place, we often call celebrities like Russell Brand lunatics. Why? Because people haven’t been presented these ideas before. Having an open mind to all the possibilities of life is something that we all need to take into account. This is where we will find our true connection to each other and how the world is meant to be.

Learning more and what life presents and the infinite capacity for connection to all things. Using meditation helps to re-connect our spiritual being. “You think of yourselves as humans searching for a spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings attempting to cope with a human awakening. Seeing yourselves from the perspective of the spirit within will help you to remember why you came here and what you came here to do.” – The Group. This is applicable to all human beings, whether you think it is or not. In my opinion, people should be living spiritual lives, but we are all stuck in the realm of our five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell). The next steps of evolution are to move on to the next realm of spiritual consciousness (enlightenment).

There is so much more than what we see in front of us. There is much more around than just what we are experiencing. Our eyes are only able to see between ultraviolet light and inferred light. Our ears can only hear between 20 to 20,000 decibels. It’s highly likely that there are other energies and consciousness moving through the universe that we don’t see. Looking within yourself holds true opportunity to limitless bliss for positive energy. Although I may not know and understand everything life presents, I am learning and open minded to all possibilities.



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